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Three Stooges Halloween Stoogetacular #11 for 3 Incentive Incentive B/W Photo Cover

S.A. Check [Writer] Published by American Mythology Productions
Out of Stock

It's that time of year again and The Boys are back to scare up some stories guaranteed to make you laugh! Return to Castle Frankenstooge and other slap-happy horror tales in time for the spookiest time of year. The Three Stooges Halloween Stoogetacular delivers all the things that go nyuk, nyuk, nyuk in the night and pokes those pesky ghosts and goblins right between the eyes! Enjoy classic funnies with modern flare here with The Three Stooges. The Three Stooges Halloween Stoogetacular comes with four covers - Main by Galvan, Framed by the Fraim Brothers, Color Photo Cover, and a special Black & White Retailer Incentive Photo Cover!.

Three Stooges Halloween Stoogetacular #11 for 3 Incentive Incentive B/W Photo Cover