In this heartfelt omegaverse Boys' Love manga, one omega with a tragic past could find love with an alpha who claims to be his fated mate!When alpha Morita Souichi prepared for his first day at a brand-new job, he never expected to discover his destined mate! After a literal run-in with his coworker, Matsumoto Takashi, Morita instantly knows that the other man is not only an omega but the person he is meant to be with. There's only one problem: the ring on Matsumoto’s finger. Yet suddenly Matsumoto goes into heat and Morita's alpha instincts take over. As they lay entwined together, he hears Matsumoto's tearful apology to someone named “Haruma.” Is this alpha-omega pair destined for failure?.
Supernatural, Comics & Graphic Novels - Manga - Yaoi, Comics & Graphic Novels - LGBTQ+