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EC Cruel Kingdom #3 Cover B Cary Nord Variant (Of 4)

Corinna Bechko , Corrina Bechko , Christopher Cantwell [Writer] Published by Oni Press

Yes, fair reader: The terrible wonders of this CRUEL KINGDOM are far from over! Steel thy wits for more tales of sadistic sorcery as forged in the foundries of the immortal EC tradition! To be revealed in the pages of this forbidden text: All-new, dread-drenched spells of magic and myth summoned from the cauldron via mad wizard by the vaingloriously violent writers Corinna Bechko (Green Lantern: Earth One), Christopher Cantwell (Out of Alcatraz), among others and etched into uncanny reality by by sword-swinging artists Kano (Gotham Central), and many more!.

EC Cruel Kingdom #3 Cover B Cary Nord Variant (Of 4)