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Creepshow In Love (One Shot) Cover A Chris Burnham & Brian Reber (Mature)

Patrick Horvath , Mirka Andolfo , Yul-Pyeong Oh [Writer] Published by Image Comics

Romance + Creepshow? This three-course special is for all the lonely hearts out there! First, murderous Mirka Andolfo (Sweet Paprika) spins a horrifying yarn about the Valentine's Day Killer in 'Madness of Two'! Then, petrifying Patrick Horvath (Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees) concocts a love potion for a 'Cursed Casanova'! Finally, yelpin' Yul-Pyeong Oh and paranormal Puré invite you to the zoo for the worst first date ever in 'Penguin Avenger'!.

Creepshow In Love (One Shot) Cover A Chris Burnham & Brian Reber (Mature)