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Chickenhare House of Klaus Graphic Novel Volume 1

Asia Alfasi [Writer] Published by Th3rd World Studios

Just in time for the release of the forthcoming Netflix animated feature film, ChickenHare and the Hamster of Darkness, comes the graphic novel that started it all! What's a chickenhare, you ask? A cross between a chicken and a rabbit, of course. When Chickenhare and his bearded turtle friend Abe find themselves captured and sold to the evil taxidermist Klaus, they have to find a way to escape before Klaus (Rhymes with house) turns them into stuffed animals. With the help of two other strange creatures, Banjo and Meg, they might stand a chance. But with Klaus and his band of henchmen hot on their trail, the adventure is only just beginning for this unlikely group of friends..

Chickenhare House of Klaus Graphic Novel Volume 1