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Cardfight!! Vanguard Divinez: Booster: Bt2 Illusionless Strife (16Ct)

Published by Bushiroad Creative

[VGE-DZ-BT02] Illusionless Strife This booster pack will feature cards that appear at the climax of the animation "CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD Divinez", which started broadcasting in January 2024! Look forward to new ride lines for all six nations including the Fated units! Product Specifications 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 16 packs 2 cards in every pack are guaranteed foiled cards!! Total 117 types of cards [117 New cards] + Parallels (RRR: 18 types / RR: 24 types / R: 23 types / C: 52 types) ※"Energy Generator" from VGE-DZ-TD01~06 is not included in this product. Following "Fated Clash", this booster pack also features Fated units with "Divine Skill"! Featured Nations: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia 16 packs in 1 display 20 displays in 1 carton Additionally, the Tournament Store Boost PR Pack Campaign will be available for this product as well! Official Lore site Cardfight!! Vanguard Booster Pack 02: Illusionless Strife will include collaboration cards from The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie There will be a total of 32 different collaboration cards included and each quintuplet will represent one of each of the five nations!.

Cardfight!! Vanguard Divinez: Booster: Bt2 Illusionless Strife (16Ct)