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Bleeding Cool Magazine #20

Rich Johnston [Writer] Published by Bleeding Cool

(W) Rich Johnston. Forget Superman, Thor or the Hulk. The Top 100 Power List pits executive against retailer, against writer, against penciller, against buyer, against distributor, to find the most powerful people affecting the comic industry right here, right now. Who really makes the moves that shape the comics you buy? RICH JOHNSTON lays bare the real power behind the PR. The scramble to the top of the comics industry takes new and bizarre twists every year, and the outlying factors are always the most intriguing and one thing always holds true-there will be surprises based as much on little known information as on public displays of power. This year we've seen new creators rise, the formation of new publishers and changes to existing companies to add even more variables to the mix. New subsidiary lists this year will keep you up to date on the strangest groupings you'll find in comics, too. Along with revealing the Power List, this issue of BLEEDING COOL MAGAZINE will profile influential comics creators, keep you up to date on the latest titles from a wide range of publishers, pick the hottest comics of 2015 to collect, review the year in film and TV, and bring you 128 pages of original analysis and discussion not to be found online..

Bleeding Cool Magazine #20