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Age of Sigmar: Lumineth Realm-Lords Order Battletome Hb

Published by Games Workshop

The definitive book for all Lumineth Realm-lords collectors New units, allegiance abilities, and spell lores 27 warscrolls and 8 warscroll battalions. This is an updated version of Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords, including all the Lumineth content from the Broken Realms: Teclis book. If you already own a copy of the original battletome, Broken Realms: Teclis will give you everything you need to fully update your Lumineth Realm-lords army. If you already own the original Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords and Broken Realms: Teclis, you'll find this battletome a handy compilation packed full of thrilling lore and stunning artwork..

Age of Sigmar: Lumineth Realm-Lords Order Battletome Hb