A Most Agreeable Murder (Paperback Novel)
Antarctica Graphic Novel Volume 1
Antarctica Graphic Novel Volume 2
Artifice Graphic Novel (Mature)
Bad Girl Premium Ashcan Cover A Kit Wallis (Mature)
Big Apple Manga Volume 1
Camgirl #1 (One Shot) Cover A Alison Sampson (Mature)
Camgirl #1 (One Shot) Cover B Tula Lotay Variant (Mature)
Confession Manga
Corpse Bride Chunky Magnet
Dead Dead Girls Prose Novel
Death at the Sign of the Rook (Hardcover Novel)
Dexter Is Dead A Novel By Jeff Lindsay
Down Cast #3
First Lie Wins
Hellboy: The Dice Game
Higurashi When They Cry: Abducted By Demons Arc, Vol. 1 - Manga
Hiss & Tell (Paperback Novel)
Jaws - Bigger Boat Flat Magnet
Jaws - Da Dum Flat Magnet
Jaws: One Sheet Funky Chunky Magnet
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #1 Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature) (Of 8)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #1 Cover B Jock Variant (Mature) (Of 8)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #1 Cover C Sean Phillips Variant (Mature) (Of 8)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #1 Cover D 1 for 25 Incentive Matias Bergara Variant (Mature (Of 8)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead In America #1 Second Printing
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #10 (Of 11) Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #10 (Of 11) Cover B Joshua Hixson Variant (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #11 (Of 11) Cover A Aaron Campbel (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #11 (Of 11) Cover B Daniel Bayliss Variant (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #2 Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature) (Of 8)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #2 Cover B Dani Variant (Mature) (Of 8)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #3 Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #3 Cover B Tyler Crook Variant (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #4 Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #4 Cover B Maria Llovet (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #5 Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead In America #5 Cover B Stevan Subic (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #6 Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #6 Cover B Mike Perkins Variant (Mature) (Of 9)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #7 (Of 11) Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #7 (Of 11) Cover B Martin Simmonds Variant (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #8 (Of 11) Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #8 (Of 11) Cover B Christian Ward Variant (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #9 (Of 11) Cover A Aaron Campbell (Mature)
John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #9 (Of 11) Cover B Mike Deodato Jr Variant (Mature)
Karnal Confessions #1 Second Printing
Little Black Book #1 Cover A Francesco Francavilla (Mature) (Of 4)